Dr. Victor Candia

candiaStudies of classical guitar at the National Conservatory of the Arts Faculty of the University of Chile, The Music Institute of the Catholic University in Chile (IMUC) and at the Musikhochschule Trossingen, Germany  *  Former guitar teacher in South Germany  *  Lic. Phil. in psychology and doctoral degree in natural sciences at the University of Konstanz, Germany  * Postdoctoral work at the Institute of Neuroradiology at the Zurich University Hospital  *  Former senior scientist at the Collegium Helveticum of the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich  *  Researcher at the Department of Music of the Zurich University of Arts  *  Lecturer for applied psychobiology of performing arts at the International Masters in Guitar of the University of Alicante.

  • Numerous research publications in international research journals such as the Lancet, PNAS, the Journal of Neuroscience, Pain, among many others.
  • Press coverage in internationally acclaimed media like for example The Economist, Die Zeit, New Scientist, Der Stern, NZZ, among many others.
  • Work featured in best-selling books by Oliver Sacks, Sandra Blaklesly.
  • Over hundred invited talks to international research meetings and Universities world-wide such as University of California, San Diego, University of Cambridge UK, PennState University, Peabody Institute of Music of the Johns Hopkins University, University La Sapienza, University of Padova, Catholic University of Chile, University of Konstanz, University Hospital of Zurich, University Hospital of Lausanne, Musikhochschule Munich, Musikhochschule Frankfurt, Musikhochschule Luzern, Bern and Lugano, among many others.